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Diamond Brothers by KARATAS
E.store - silver and gold jewelry with moissanites!
Always flawless clarity and color.. Always sparkling to the cosmos… Moissanites.. this is the perfect opportunity to accessorize with luxurious looking jewelry at an affordable price for everyone! And moissanites pass the diamond test, which is why they are considered laboratory diamonds in some countries. A large selection of jewelry is perfect for everyday and special occasions! Moissanite is a precious stone, the brother of diamond, which is extremely rare due to the very small amount of natural moissanite that is found to be used in jewelry. Therefore, moissanite sold today is produced in laboratories. Moissanite is a 9.25 on the Mohs scale, where a diamond is a 10. Therefore, most diamond testing machines show that it is a diamond when testing Moissanite, due to its similar physical properties, Moissanite is considered a laboratory diamond in the US. Moissanite has a refractive index of 2.65 and diamond has a refractive index of 2.42.